Whether you are starting a new freight brokerage or just working on growing your business, making sales calls are part of the protocol. So you have your lead list, it is time to pick up the phone so bring your energy and GO! But which direction? How do you prevent the “I’m not interested” interruption or – worse yet – the dreaded hang up? Research in the freight broker industry (and other sales industries) has shown that the most productive and successful sales calls are focused on asking questions to a potential customer. It might seem crazy because you just want to tell the prospect all about your great company and excellent service, but if you ask the right questions and listen to the answers, you will learn all you need to know to turn this prospect into a long-term client. Logistic Dynamics has come up with a fantastic infographic outlining the 13 essential sales call questions that every frieght broker should have. Asking about the shipper’s needs, what they like and don’t like about their current logistics partners, how they measure success and more will be a game-changer on your next round of sales calls. Check out these tips and let us know how they work for you! Click here for Logistic Dynamics Sales Call Tips.

Essential Sales Call Questions

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